
Teaching with Technology

Information Technology

Issuing overrides in Moodle

For any Moodle activity that is timed or has a due date, it is possible to issue an override for a student or group of students to allow them more time. Overrides are commonly used for students with accommodates from Disability & Accessibility Resources or for extensions granted to individual students.

To issue an override in an Assignment or Quiz activity

  • Choose More then Overrides from the menu for the activity under the activity name.
Overrides option in quiz menu.

  • Choose the option to Add user override.
Add user override button

  • Choose the name of student you wish to provide an override to from the drop-down menu of students registered for your course.
Student name look up in the overrides options.

  • Change the opening date, due date, or, most commonly, time limit for the student.
Override options

  • Click Save. Or, if you have more identical overrides to issue, click Save and enter another override. The override information for dates or time limit will be copied over; you will just need to choose the next student's name from the dropdown menu.
  • After you have saved the override(s), you will see a list of students with override information. Click on the gear icon to edit an individual student's override or the trash can icon to delete the override.
Example list of overrides issued.

You will need to issue a separate override for each assignment or quiz on your Moodle page.