
Human Resources

Domestic partners


Domestic partners meet all the following requirements:

  • have lived together for at least six (6) months
  • have an exclusive mutual commitment and are responsible for each other's common welfare
  • are both 18 years of age or older
  • neither is married to anyone; neither has another domestic partner
  • share the same regular and permanent residence with the intent of continuing to do so indefinitely
  • are not related by blood closer than would bar marriage in the state of Oregon
  • were both mentally competent to consent to contract when the committed partnership began

Share joint financial responsibility for basic living expenses and have, and can provide documentation if asked, for at least four (4) of the following:

  • joint, with right of survivorship, mortgage, deed, rental or lease agreement
  • joint, with right of survivorship, ownership of a vehicle
  • joint, with right of survivorship, ownership of a checking account, credit account, and/or other financial instruments and accounts
  • designation of the domestic partner as a primary beneficiary for the employee's life insurance or retirement benefits
  • designation of the domestic partner as a primary beneficiary of the employee's will
  • designation of the domestic partner as holding power of attorney for health care. 

Children of domestic partners are eligible for benefits so long as they are considered a dependent of the employee in accordance with IRS regulations and be claimed as a dependent (IRS QD) on the employee’s last tax return.


Benefits for domestic partners include health and dental insurance, supplemental life insurance and voluntary accidental death and dismemberment insurance. If you choose to cover a domestic partner on your medical and or dental plan, the value of this coverage will be taxable. Due to IRS regulations, domestic partners are not eligible to participate in Section 125 flexible spending accounts.